Welcome to the WMS Library Homepage!
(Last updated 9/29/2024)
Ms. Burroughs and Mrs. Gutierrez are the teacher-librarians at the WMS library and are eager to help! If you need help learning how to navigate our Destiny program, CLICK HERE for a tutorial on how to place a hold on a book or eBook.
We are excited to help connect you with books. Come browse the library before or after school, at lunch. or plan your next book from home using the Destiny Discovery online catalog.

Need Tech Support? If you're having issues with your Chromebook, please bring it by the library and we will help get you get up and running.
Click here for the SecURLy Parent Portal
Come to the library after eating your lunch! We have plenty of seating for reading or playing quiet games with your friends (chess, checkers, Mancala and Sorry). Currently we have puzzles to solve, Brain Flakes, Snap Circuits, and others hands-on activities such as the one pictured below:


Check out the new Destiny Discover catalog look! Click here for a tutorial on how to navigate our new look!
Place a book on hold using the process described in the above link. When the book becomes available, we will deliver it to you at school.

Newly added to the WMS Library collection: 31 eBooks have been added to the Destiny Catalog which you can self-checkout from home! View the list HERE
Here are instructions on how to check them out yourself.

The Olympia School District has partnered with the Timberland Regional Library to provide a username and password to all OSD students. LEARN HOW to download eBooks or Audiobooks right onto your device without leaving home!
username = osdusername (osd+your username)
password = mmdd (of your birthday)

.....and even more free audiobooks are available from Sora -- find it under your Google waffle for easy access. Here are some of the new books just added to Sora:
Click Here for instructions on how to access ebooks from Sora.