Click to view the current OSD Student Handbook
Washington Middle School Student Handbook
updated 10/2024
Washington Middle School Contact Information
Washington Middle School
3100 Cain Road SE
Olympia, WA 98501
Main Office: 360-596-3000
Fax: 360-596-3001
Attendance Line: 360 596-3003
OSD Safety Tip Line:
Skyward Family Access: Access to your child's grades and school information online
Washington Middle School Hours:
Our building is open from 8:15 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.
Student class hours are from 9:10 a.m. to 3:40 p.m.
The academic hallways open at 8:55 a.m. Students are to leave campus by 3:55 p.m., unless involved in a supervised activity.
Main Office Phone Number: 360-596-3000
If you call the school outside of the above hours, you may leave a voicemail for any staff. If you need to contact a teacher, be advised that their classroom phones go directly to voicemail.
E-mail Addresses: Staff email addresses can be found on the WMS website.
Washington Middle School Website:
School Messenger: WMS utilizes an automated system to contact families by phone. The School Messenger contacts families on a monthly basis; these calls include reminders of future events and key information. The School Messenger system is also activated when a student is absent from school.
Inclement Conditions: For information regarding late start or cancellation of school because of weather or emergency conditions tune in to radio stations: 1030 AM, 1240 AM, 89.3 FM, 96.1 FM, or 96.9 FM for current information. You can also get current information on local TV stations. All information regarding weather and emergency conditions are posted on the district website at
Principal Assistant Principal Dean of Students
Paul Anders Bonnie Hauschka Stacy Roe
Administrative Assistant Counselors
Cathy Shea Lauren Memmott (A-Le)
Deb Burris Sherry Duerre (Li-Z)
Attendance Secretary Psychologist
Maureen Damitio William Boston
Social Worker Nurse
Denise Hammer Tiffany Sandy
Speech Health room
Johanna Bauman Megan Price
Audrey Perry - Science 6
Courtney Jarmon - Science 6, PE
Cassie Montgomery - ELA 6, PE
RoAnn Gutierrez - Library, ELA 6
Gary Viggers - Math 6
Raymond Gutierrez - Math 6&7
Tom Bond - Soc Studies 6, Literature
Alison Morgan - Science 7
Candyce Burroughs - Science 7, Library
Kylie Gallacher - Wellness 7/8, Soc Studies 6
Danelle Wright - Math 7/8
Lindsey Evans - ELA 7
Marianne Walters - ELA 6/7
Sean Wills - Soc Studies 7
Stephanie Hacker - Soc Studies 7
Matt Muller - Science 8
Julie McDougall - Science 8
John Baranski - Math 8 & Algebra, Geometry
Maresa West - Math 8
Rachel Roloff - ELA 8
Tracy Pulsipher - ELA 8, Soc Studies 8
Eli Normoyle - Soc Studies 8
Alison Eastlake - ELL
Grace Linhart - Math 6/7/8
OPEN - ELA 6/7/8
Aaron Schofield - PE, Math 7, ELA 6, LAP
Kayla Steffen - Soc Studies 8, LAP
Chantal Arevalo - Soc. Ac. 7/8, LAP
Matt Gray - DLC
Kirsten Sembroski - Wellness 6/7, Soc Studies 6
Kellen Gallacher - PE 7/8, Adaptive
Megan Enger - Comp Sci 6/7, Robotics
Brian Morris - Tech Arts
Kirstin Holstrom - Art
Andy Callender - Digi Com, Media Arts
Keith Holder - Band
Katherine Sartori - Orch
Stacy Brown - Choir
Classified Staff
Para Staff
Jaime Black
Adrea Brown
Elmer Callahan
Teresa Chaney
Kyrah Dicroce
Dan Engelke
Shawn Erwin
Esra Lynn Fife
Leilani Panoke
Noa Peralta
Patricia Peterson
Megan Price
Zac Robischon
Neal Shea
Evan Schoepke
Aaron Schwartz
Cyndy Tash
Kimberly Whitehead
Ashley Joubert
Jessica Grassman
Kitchen Staff
Denise Jorgenson
Kay Carlson
Susan Young
Custodial Staff
Don Griggs
Ry Sierra
General Information
Visitor Sign In
To ensure the safety of our students, we require visitors to sign in at the office and obtain a visitor badge.
Teacher Availability
Teachers are available before school (8:25-8:55) and after school (3:40-3:55). We believe the education of children is a shared responsibility and hope to build a strong partnership with families. The preferred method to contact teachers is by email. Email addresses are found on our website under Staff Directory
Homework Requests for an Illness
Please check teacher websites for homework. We suggest students have several classmates in each class who could be called for missed assignments. It is the responsibility of students to request their make-up work upon returning to class. Most assignments can be found on their class’s Schoology page.
Family Access Information for Families
Skyward, our student information software, provides current student information through the Family Access link. The site is available at When you register your student for school, families are asked to provide an email address that is used to create your Family Access account. To receive your login and password, or if you have forgotten either, click on the "Forgot your Login or Password?" link under the login area. An email will be sent to the email address listed on the enrollment card. If you are getting an error, please contact the school directly and verify that your email address in Family Access is correct. In the event that you have questions or problems regarding Family Access, contact your school office or email [email protected]. We recommend that students and families check Family Access on a regular basis.
Breakfast and lunch are available daily to all students. Breakfast is $2.00 and lunch is $3.35. The free and reduced application can be found here on the OSD website.
The Olympia School District provides students with textbooks. Students are responsible for the condition of assigned books. At the end of the year, fines are assessed for damaged or missing textbooks.
Support Services at WMS
The counseling program at WMS assists students in making adjustments in any area of life, whether it is school-related or personal. This may include a student or parent meeting with administrators and/or teachers, a schedule adjustment, academic interventions, individualized plans, peer mediation, or other creative solutions. We want students to have a positive experience at WMS. Families are asked to communicate with the school regarding concerns.
Health Services
Students who become ill or injured during the day need to report to the office immediately with a pass from their teacher. To take any type of medicine at school, a student MUST have a Medication Request Form completed and signed by the doctor or dentist and parent/guardian, and delivered to the school office. Washington state law allows school staff to give medication only in limited situations. Students who need medications during the school day (including over the counter medications such as aspirin or cough drops) must keep these medications in the nurse’s office for dispensing as needed. State law requires that all medication be in the original prescription bottle and be delivered to the school by a parent/guardian. Students carrying any medication on their person are in violation of state law and may face serious disciplinary consequences from the school. This is a safety issue and we ask that all families talk with their students regarding this policy.
The WMS Library provides services and resources to our students, staff, and families. We offer assistance to help students become successful, independent users of a wide variety of resources. We, in partnership with the 21st century school community, nurture the love of reading and foster lifelong learning. The facility is open before, during, and after school for book check out and research.
Special Services
WMS offers a full range of special services for students requiring extra assistance. lEP and 504 plans are followed as discussed with the student's case manager. If a concern should arise, please contact your student’s teacher, case manager, school counselor, or administrator.
OSD is a 1-to-1 district and offers every student a district supplied Chromebook to use for school work. Students are expected to bring their charged chromebook to school each day. Students are responsible for the condition of the device and are asked to use care when using and/or transporting it. The district reserves the right to monitor all uses of the device.
Absence and Tardy Notification
Regular attendance is important in middle school. Excessive absences and/or tardies affect success in the classroom. To ensure the safety and whereabouts of students, families should call the attendance line at 360-596-3003 by 10:00 a.m. to notify the school if their child will not be in attendance. Messages can be left on the attendance line 24 hours a day. When leaving a message, please state the student’s full name and a brief description for the absence (illness, dental appointment, etc.). All students arriving on campus after the start of the school day must check in with the office.
Student Absences
If you forget to call, please send a written note explaining the absence with your student when
they return. Students should turn in this written excuse to the office.
Excused absences are those relating to a family emergency, medical condition (illness, dental/doctor appointment), religious or cultural purposes, and/or court. Any other absences from school will be considered unexcused unless prior arrangements have been made through the administration. Please refer to the OSD student handbook regarding valid excuses for absences from school.
Students will be considered UNEXCUSED ABSENT if no contact was made between parent and school during the time of the absence, or if the student fails to bring in a parent note within two school days of their return.
- Families must call the attendance line EVERY DAY of the absence to excuse the absence.
Attendance Policy
Effective September 1, 1995, the Washington State Legislature implemented truancy legislation known as the Becca Bill. According to this law, any child between the ages of 8 and 18 must attend school. If the child fails to attend school without valid justification, the following will occur:
1. Upon the first unexcused absence, the school will notify families.
2. After a third unexcused absence within any month, a parent conference will be scheduled in an attempt to resolve the problem.
3. No later than the student’s fifth unexcused absence in a month, the school will enter into an agreement with the families and student that establishes school attendance requirements.
4. If the above interventions are not successful, a truancy petition to juvenile court must be filed alleging violations to truancy laws by the parent, child, or both, no later than after the fifth unexcused absence within any month or upon the tenth unexcused absence during the school year. The juvenile court will then determine actions to improve student attendance.
Excessive Absences
If a student has excessive excused absences due to illness, the school may require that a Medical Excuse Form be on file. Excessive absences are considered to be 10 or more absences during a semester, or 18 in a year. Absences beyond 10 days a semester, or 18 in a year, will be considered unexcused without a medical reason or approved extenuating circumstances.
Late to School
Please keep in mind the only excuses for lateness and absences are those relating to a family emergency, medical condition, religious or cultural purpose, and/or court. If a student is late to school by more than 10 minutes, it will be considered an absence. If late, students need to check in at the office preferably with a note or phone call upon arrival at school. If already in attendance at school, a note from the previous teacher is required for admittance into the next class. Students are expected to be in class and seated and with the necessary materials when class begins.
Excessive Lateness
Four lateness every two weeks will result in action from the office. The school will work with families and students to find workable solutions to lateness issues.
Tardy to Class
Once at school, students are expected to be in class with materials out at the start of the period. If not, teachers will mark the student ‘Tardy.’ If the student is tardy because of the previous teacher, office, nurse, etc., a note is required for admittance to the next class.
Excessive Tardies
Four tardies per check (every two weeks) will result in action from the office. This may include the student being placed on a Tardy Contract and monitored for improvement. The school will work with families and students to find workable solutions to tardy issues.
Early Dismissal
Students should bring a signed note from a parent or guardian if it is necessary to leave school during the day for an appointment. The note should state the reason and the time the student is to be excused. Students will bring the note to the office before school for an early dismissal slip. Students must sign out through the office before leaving campus. Students will only be released to the adults listed on their Emergency Form. If circumstances change, please notify the school so the emergency information can be modified.
Students missing school due to a vacation need to inform the office with at least one week’s notice using the pre arranged absence form. This form is available at Once the form is turned in, a plan can be established for work completion. It is the student’s responsibility to complete any and all work on their own time.
Evening Events
All school policies will apply to evening events, such as concerts, celebrations, etc. Students must be in school a full day to attend or participate in the event, unless excused by the administration. If conduct at school results in disciplinary action, such as in-school suspension or out-of-school suspension, the student will be unable to participate.
Field Trips
Students need to inform teachers when they will miss class due to a field trip. Students are always responsible for making up late or missed assignments. All school rules, bus rules, and policies are in effect on the field trip.
Sporting Events
During sporting events, students are expected to show respect for all participants, spectators, and each other.
Interscholastic Sports Programs
WMS Interscholastic Code of Conduct
The following policies shall apply to all students who participate in interscholastic activities at Washington Middle School. The interscholastic program exists to allow students to participate and represent their school in educational, social, and recreational activities to further improve their abilities and to learn to cooperate and compete with others. These activities are performed before guests, and students are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a manner that will reflect the high standards of Washington Middle School, their team, and our community. The definition of a sports season will be from the first day of practice until the completion of the season.
In order for a student to participate in practice and/or games, the athlete must attend school ALL day, including full participation in PE. Students must have at least a C- in all classes to be eligible. Grade checks will occur on a regular basis. Students will be notified regarding their eligibility to play in games or participate in practice. An athlete may become immediately ineligible for all interscholastic programs if conduct at school results in disciplinary action.
Student Expectations
Student Phones
Student phones can be used before the start of the school day and after dismissal. The rest of the day phones should be in their locker. Phones are not allowed at lunch time. Students are welcome to use the office phone located by the check-in window during the school. Please be sure to leave a message if the call is not answered.
Dress Code
WMS follows the OSD student dress code which requires all students to wear a shirt/top, pants/shorts/skirt/leggings/bottoms, and shoes. Some classes like P.E. and shop may have more requirements for safety. Clothing, backpacks, or any accessories with logos, symbols, scenes of, or advertisements for tobacco, drugs, alcohol, gangs or other illegal activities, which may include but are not limited to intimidation, harassment, sexual innuendo, vulgarity, inappropriate pictures and/or writing and obscenities is prohibited. Sunglasses are not permitted in the building.
Students are asked to demonstrate courtesy and consideration for fellow students and staff. Students are expected to pick up after themselves, report spills, and remain in designated lunchtime areas.
Lost and Found
The office maintains a lost and found area. Items not claimed will be donated to charity.
Students riding their bikes to school are encouraged to have a lock and park their bikes in one of the designated areas. All students riding their bikes or skateboards to WMS are strongly encouraged to wear a helmet and follow safe riding practices to and from school, including walking through crosswalks. We ask students not to ride skateboards on campus.
Gifts at School
Students are asked not to exchange gifts at school. Deliveries are also discouraged, but may be picked up in the office by students after school.
Telephone Use
Students may use the office phone throughout the day. If the office phone is used and the call is not answered, students should leave a complete message. Phones in the classrooms are to be used only with permission from the classroom teacher.
Attending Assemblies
During school assemblies, students are expected to show respect for all participants, spectators, and each other.
Classroom Behavior
Students are expected to follow classroom expectations so that all students have the opportunity to learn.
Closed Campus
WMS is a closed campus. Students must remain on school grounds and in designated areas at all times unless excused by a staff member. Once a student arrives on school grounds in the morning, they are not to leave the campus or designated areas without permission until the end of the school day. Non-WMS students are not permitted on campus during school hours without permission granted through the office.
After School
Students are asked to leave campus by 3:55, unless in a supervised activity. Students staying for an activity are expected to be in that activity or leave the school grounds.
Hallway Behavior
Hallways open at 8:55 each morning. During passing times, students should not congregate. A hall pass is required when leaving the classroom.
During the school day, backpacks should be in lockers. If you have trouble with your locker please let the office know.
Plagiarism and Cheating
Plagiarism is the taking of language, ideas, or thoughts from another person or source and representing them as your original work. Students who use plagiarized papers or projects, or are involved in any other form of cheating, may be referred to the office.
Emergency Drills
Fire, earthquake, and lockdown drills take place to minimize injuries in the case of an emergency. These drills are required by law and will be held at regular intervals. All drills are to be taken seriously and students are to cooperate fully by practicing effective procedures to ensure the safety of all. Specific instructions for evacuation and response to drills will be given at the beginning of the school year. In the event of an evacuation (drill or actual), all students are to exit the building with their classes, line up quietly in their designated areas, and await further instructions.
Discipline Design
Washington Middle School practices restorative discipline, which means we aim to repair the harm done and restore relationships so we can build a stronger community. We understand that adolescent mistakes happen, which is why we have dedicated a teacher to work with students on reinforcing skill development like self-regulation.
We believe everyone involved in our learning community shares a commitment to a school environment which supports and nurtures the uniqueness of each individual. In our work together, we strive to develop integrity by establishing an atmosphere of collaboration, trust, and respect. We believe in each person's ability to make appropriate choices, to exercise self-discipline, to reflect on one's choices and actions, and to make restitution for inappropriate choices. Knowing that the mistakes we make in life can be our best teachers, we strive to maintain a positive and healthy climate where we can use our mistakes to learn and grow.
Impact of Behavior
Students should be advised that discipline can include things that take place off school grounds, and occur outside the “regular” school day, to include interactions on social media that then prevent a student from feeling safe and ready to learn. Behaviors become actionable when they impact the learning environment.
Minor Behaviors
When a student’s behavior is negatively impacting the learning process, a staff member will follow these steps:
Home Contact
Minor behaviors include, but are not limited to, the following items...defined for students below.
- Washington Middle School requires all students to demonstrate honesty and to abide by ethical standards in preparing, presenting, and submitting materials, as well as in all testing situations. Students shall not attempt to earn credit, or receive a grade for coursework, in a manner other than what has been deemed acceptable by each instructor. The following actions constitute a violation of the academic integrity policy:
Academic Misconduct - Tampering with grades, obtaining or distributing any part of a test, sabotaging or destroying the work of others;
Cheating - Use, or attempted use, of unauthorized materials; deceit; misrepresentation of skills, copying;
- Collusion - Assisting, or planning to assist another student in an act of academic dishonesty; payment; bribes;
- Distribution of Class Assignments or Test Information - Written or verbal; sharing the content of an assignment or an exam;
- Plagiarism - The use of another’s words ideas, data, or product without permission and/or citation;
- Unauthorized Collaboration - Working with others without the specific permission of the instructor; and,
Technology/Malpractice - Any misuse of private or public technology to acquire an advantage.
- Electronics Misuse
The rule about electronics usage at WMS is simple: before and after school. Teachers should instruct their students about appropriate Chromebook use in their classroom.
- Inappropriate Behavior
Students must engage in behaviors that are aligned to clear expectations and allow others to feel safe and learn.
- Inappropriate Language
Students are encouraged to verbally express their personal opinions in such a manner and at such times as the language does not disrupt or interfere with the educational process or with the freedom of others to express themselves. The use of obscenities, lewdness, vulgarity, profanity, or targeted and personal attacks is prohibited. Racial, ethnic or religious slurs, and/or vulgar or lewd language will not be tolerated on campus, or at any WMS sponsored event.
- Misrepresentation
Any act or omission that is intended to deceive a staff member to the student’s advantage. Misrepresentation could include lying to increase a grade or giving false information around personal identity.
- Off Campus
Our campus is closed. Students must show parent permission and check out in the office if leaving campus during the school day.
- Refusal to Comply
Students who do not comply with a reasonable request with intention. This minor behavior is connected to Disruptive Conduct (major).
- Tardies
A tardy is defined as being less than ten minutes late for the start of a class. Students with multiple four or more tardies within a month will be placed on a tardy contract and meet with the Dean of Students to discuss consequences if the behavior continues.
- Truancy
Truancy is defined as being more than ten minutes late for the start of class, or being absent from class for more than ten minutes during the period. This includes trips to the library, hallways, and restrooms. Students should be advised that if their restroom needs may be longer than ten minutes, they should use the facility in the health room.
Major Behaviors
When a student’s behavior is presenting an “immediate danger” and/or a “continuing threat to the educational process,” a staff member will follow these steps:
- 1. Referral
- 2. Investigation
- 3. Outcome
- 4. Restoration
- Major behaviors include, but are not limited to, the following items...defined for students below.
- Alcohol, Drugs & Paraphernalia
Students found to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs and/or in possession of alcohol/drugs or paraphernalia.
- Alcohol, Drugs & Paraphernalia
Students found to be distributing or selling drugs, alcohol or paraphernalia.
One-sided physical/violent act with no major injury
- Assault
One-sided physical/violent act with with major injury
- Bribery
Offering, giving, soliciting, or receiving of any item of value as a means of influencing actions of an individual.
Disruptive Conduct
Correlates with Inappropriate Behavior/Language and Refusal to Comply
- Behavior/act that is disruptive of any school activity, function or process of the school; could lead to an unsafe/unhealthy environment.
- Fight
Mutual engagement
A physical/violent act that disrupts learning and has a negative impact on students, the school or the community.
- Fight Promotion
Instigation of fight through verbal, social media provocation.
- Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying
Washington Middle School is committed to a safe and civil educational environment for all students, employees, and volunteers. Harassment, intimidation and bullying will not be tolerated. HIB is defined as any intentionally written message or image (including those that are electronically transmitted), or a verbal, and/or a physical act which:
- Physically harms a student or damages the student’s property;
- Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s education;
- Is so severe/persistent that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment; or,
- Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.
- “Intentionally” refers to an individual’s choice to engage in the act in question, rather than the impact of said action(s). This policy is not intended to prohibit expression of religious, philosophical or political views, provided that the expression does not substantially disrupt the educational environment. Many behaviors that do not rise to the level of HIB may still be prohibited by other district policies and result in discipline. Be mindful of your physical and social media presence and how it may impact yourself and those around you.
- Students, parents/guardians, and volunteers who observe or become aware of acts of HIB should report such acts to OHS staff and administration for recording, investigation, and resolution. Acts of HIB will result in disciplinary action, as will those who intentionally report false acts of HIB.
- We know that stopping HIB almost always starts with a student being brave and standing up for what is right. Please use our anonymous tip line! Text us at 360-529-0938 at any time. We strive to respond to all reports quickly!
- Sexual Assault
Unwanted, unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature that interfere unreasonably with a student’s ability to learn, study, work, or achieve.
- Law enforcement often involved
- Theft
Unauthorized removal or possession of personal property belonging to others.
- Tobacco/Nicotine/Vape
Possession of any product containing, made or derived from tobacco or nicotine that is intended for human consumption.
- Threat/Intimidation
An intention to harm: Spoken, written or expressed through in another way (could be through gesture or social media).
- Reactive Threat: Threat does not indicate a substantive intent to harm; does not express lasting intent to harm.
Targeted Threat: Substantive threat defined as statements that express a continuing intent to harm; extends beyond the immediate incident or argument when threat was made.
- Vandalism
Willful or malicious damage to school grounds and buildings or furnishings and equipment.
- Verbal Aggression
Any language (verbal or non verbal) directed at someone in a threatening or harmful manner.
OSD Student Rights and Responsibilities
At the beginning of each new school year, the Olympia School District updates its policies related to student rights and responsibilities. These policies are contained in a district online publication, Olympia School District Student Rights and Responsibilities. This handbook is available online to all students and is used as guidance for staff when orienting students at the beginning of the school year. It is the expectation of the district that students and their families will review this document.