Lunch Menu

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New Lunch Menu Service

View menus, nutritional content and pricing information on the district's new Nutrislice site. 


All school cafeterias in the Olympia School District operate with a computerized meal purchase system. Your student has an individual account with Child Nutrition Services that is set up automatically once he/she is enrolled. This allows every student the opportunity to prepay for meals. Parents may deposit money for the day, week, and month or for as long as you wish. Elementary students whose balance becomes low will receive a low balance reminder note from his/her school. With secondary students a verbal reminder will be given by our cashiers. Negative meal balances must be taken care of immediately. A phone message system is in place that will notify a household when a student has a negative balance.

Financial Assistance

All families who wish to apply for free or reduced-price meals in the Olympia School District are encouraged to fill out an application at any time during the school year. Applications are available in the WMS front office or available below to print. Once an application is completed, it can be submitted to a school's lunchroom manager or mailed directly to the Child Nutrition Services Office for processing.


View information on breakfast and lunch pricing, including free and reduced-price lunch applications