Procedures for Student Release in Case of Emergency or Natural Disaster
Parents should have filled out a Student/Family Emergency Release Form at the beginning of the school year.
This form tells the school to which adults a child may be released in case of an emergency or natural disaster. Students will not be released from school unless a parent/legal guardian or someone on the release form comes for him/her, or if parents indicate that the student has permission to leave the school on his/her own.
Adults coming to the school must sign out students from the designated release station.
The designated release station will be the office, unless the building is deemed structurally unsafe. In that event, signs would indicate the location of the release station. Persons picking up students should follow the school's procedures at all times so the school is always aware of students' safety and whereabouts.
If circumstances warrant, the building principal, his designee, or the parent may give permission, based on judgment of particular situations, for specific students to be released or moved to an alternate location.
On your battery-operated radio, tune in to the local station KGY 1240 AM or KGY 96.9 FM.
Listen for school closure information during power outages and other school closure or early dismissal information. During non-outages, you can listen to the radio station, TV news stations, or visit the Home page of our district website at
If you have not indicated to the school those individuals having permission to pick up your child in case of emergency, please do so as soon as possible. The necessary forms can be obtained from the WMS office.